VLP Survey Results

From Jan 30 to Feb 27, 2023, FVR collected information via a Google Survey form about Valdese Lakeside Park. The link was provided on our web site, on Facebook and at our events. We had 82 responses from the following areas: 39 Valdese, 8 Morganton, 8 Connelly Springs, 6 Rutherford College area, 5 Granite Falls, 3 Hickory and one each from Drexel, Old Fort, Vale, Banner Elk, China Grove, Concord.

Thanks to everyone who participated that will help understand how the park is being used and what is needed. Here are the results:

Continue reading “VLP Survey Results”

Discover Valdese Suspension Bridge

160 Foot Suspension Bridge along 2 mile Valdese Greenway

Sunday, March 12 at 2pm

As a part of Discover Burke Trails Day and NC Year of the Trail, Friends of the Valdese Rec will host a group hike along the easy, mostly flat 2 mile greenway. Sunday, March 12 at 2pm, starting at Valdese Lakeside Park (1149 Lake Rhodhiss Dr, Valdese), the group will walk along Lake Rhodhiss with amazing views of the lake and Table Rock, changing to McGalliard Creek Cove views until reaching the 160 foot Suspension Bridge at 1.3 miles.

McGalliard Falls

After experiencing the bridge, hikers can turn back (for a total of 2.6 miles) or continue on to McGalliard Falls Park to see the 200 foot wide, 40 foot tall water fall (2 miles from Valdese Lakeside Park – and return trip will put you at 4 miles).

Dogs on a leash are welcome on the hike.

Valdese Lakeside Park has restrooms, picnic tables, dog park, Story Book Trail, and almost 11 miles of hiking/biking. There is also plenty to do in Downtown Valdese.

Lakeside Park Survey

We need your help – to plan a better park! Please complete this quick survey…. mostly check boxes!

Form Link at https://forms.gle/tvV7t4fexjr6JMv56

We have general park counts – 200 on weekdays and 400 on weekend – but knowing more will make a better park – like how long do you stay at the park, what brings you there, what else would you like.

New Year’s Resolution Trail Runs

Usually, we have our New Year’s Resolution Runs on New Year’s Day. However, January 1, 2023 fell on a Sunday. So, we gave Saturday, December 31, 2022 a chance and it was the biggest race yet!! Even in the rain. It was a great way to kick off NC Year of the Trail a day early. Thanks to our race sponsors!

365 Mile Challenge

Challenge yourself in 2023 to get out on a Valdese Trail!! #FVR365
(Registration Closed)

Walk. Run. Hike. 365 Miles in 365 Days.

  • $10 Registration
  • Long Sleeve t-shirt at beginning
  • Prizes for completing 365 miles
  • Everyone will be able to see your progress
  • Get miles in Valdese (parks, streets, treadmill) – as much as possible
  • January 1 – December 31, 2023


Valdese becoming a Trail Town!

Friends of the Valdese Rec President Beth Heile presented to the Valdese Planning Board on Monday, November 21 to share information about the State and Regional Trails coming through Valdese, the importance of embracing the trails and branding Valdese as a Trail Town. 

The Wilderness Gateway State Trail will come over Mineral Springs Mountain to Valdese Lakeside Park and Main Street Valdese. The River Trail of Burke County will run along the Valdese Greenway.

With almost 400 acres of park land in town, it is time to evaluate what amenities should be located at which parks. In addition, look at what businesses are needed to facilitate trail users – an outfitter renting bikes and kayaks, a coffee shop or other gathering spot, etc. Continue reading “Valdese becoming a Trail Town!”

McGalliard Falls 40th Anniversary

(l-r): Ruth Fletcher Gage, Carrie Powell, Ernie Powell, Puse Passmore, Don Brittain, Beth Zimmerman Heile

Reception Held at McGalliard Falls Park on Wednesday, October 5 at 1:15 with cake, punch and great stories to honor those responsible for saving the Falls.

In 1979, after a semester of studying McGalliard Falls, science teacher Don Brittain’s sixth grade class at Valdese Elementary School wrote a letter to the Valdese Town Council. The students asked the town to “save McGalliard Falls and make the area into a park.” At that time, water cascading over the 40-foot-tall and 200-foot-wide rock area contained chemical dye and treated sewage. The exploited land surrounding the falls was a city dump on one side and dug out for fill dirt as needed on the other side.

The class’s findings from geological, environmental and plant studies were presented during a council meeting and their work prompted Valdese Town Manager Richard Whitley to investigate the creation of a park. With his recommendation, the town council led by Mayor C. C. Long voted to spend funds on a master park plan for the property. Continue reading “McGalliard Falls 40th Anniversary”