Lovelady Sidewalk

In June 2024, Valdese Council unanimously approved a resolution to apply for grant and committed funds if awarded. In January 2025, Valdese Town Council made NO motion regarding acceptance of $1.14M in DOT Funds for the Lovelady Sidewalk. It is unclear why Council committed to applying for the grant and approving matching funds needed – if it would not accept the final contract. (History of Project where Councilman Harvey asked staff to go after grant, council approved resolution to apply for grant and committed funds if awarded, and more)

Area for sidewalk at hectic intersection

The Lovelady Sidewalk project is part of a bigger picture to become a walkable community connecting downtown to businesses, homes, and schools – and connect Valdese to Wilderness Gateway State Trail and Burke River Trail. Following the January council meeting, Friends of the Valdese Rec and Burke River Trail Association worked to get clarification regarding the town’s municipal agreement accepting the sidewalk grant of $1.14 M.

Council raised these questions and they have been addressed –

1) Valdese has 1-2 years to act on the agreement. No need to rush.

2) Reimbursables can be submitted every 30 days. Valdese does not have to wait until the project is completed to be reimbursed. The $1.1M is not all spent up front waiting for project completion to be reimbursed.

3) This is a grant and not a loan. There is no impact to the Town of Valdese credit rating in acquiring a USDA loan for the public safety building(s).

4) The 20% match can come from any source. FVR and BRTA will work to acquire the $286K funding needed to cover the Town of Valdese’s cost. No cost burden to the town.

5) While DOT does get Federal Funds, the funds for this grant are already in the hands of the local Great Hickory MPO. There is no risk of a federal issue preventing the town from being reimbursed.

During the February meeting where the above information was presented, two council members stated they would like more time to review this above information and meeting with WPCOG, Beth Heile and Rep Blackwell. Within two days, they stated they no longer needed a meeting. At the March meeting, the vote was 3-2 to withdraw from the grant.

A little more history to why this sidewalk section

FVR has been working on the seven mile loop connecting Town of Valdese, McGalliard Falls Park and Valdese Lakeside Park for a little over a year. There are two gaps – Church Street and Lovelady.

FVR organized a meeting regarding the Church Street 2000 foot section in late 2023 with Town of Valdese, Burke County, NCDOT, and GHMPO to see about LAPP funding – 1000ft is in TOV jurisdiction and 1000ft in BC. The parties agreed on the need. In Feb 2024, during more talks with NCDOT, FVR learned that there is no NCDOT ROW along this section – meaning DOT cannot just place sidewalk. To get a walking path along this section, each homeowner will need to agree to the path. We are still in talks with NCDOT on how that works – can they impose standard sidewalk requirement, etc. We want this pathway along Church St to happen. The section is not eligible for LAPP funding. FVR is working with Foothills Conservancy on the pedestrian access from McGalliard Falls and Meytre.

In April 2024, FVR was approached by TOV to write a letter of support for the Lovelady Sidewalk project. To make sure all parties were aware of future connections, FVR hosted an April 22 meeting at the intersection of Lovelady Rd and Lake Rhodhiss Dr with Councilman Harvey, Councilman Ogle, Town Planner Larry Johnson, Parks and Rec Director David Andersen, Public Works Director Allen Hudson, Rep Hugh Blackwell, NCDOT Engineer Chad Young, WPCOG/MPO Staff Daniel Odom and Averi Ritchie.

Phase 1 is an incredible step in closing the loop at a dangerous T intersection with 3 lanes on one side. A section of what would be Phase 2 – the pedestrian bridge over Hoyle Creek is being covered by state funding with the Hoyle Creek Restoration and Sidepath funds – saving the town money. In addition, a statewide task force is looking at natural surface trails in NCDOT ROW and the phase 2 area is a perfect chances to pilot that policy – again another possible savings to the town.

The Lovelady sidewalk phase 1 would serve – folks from 18 homes, 4 businesses including Valdese Weavers (55 employees over 3 shirts) and SAFT (200 employees – some who already walk to lunch), Cornerstone Church has 65 regular attending members, 682 students at DHS, 140 new homes coming with Valdese Bluffs…. plus folks who want to walk from Laurel to Valdese Lakeside Park. As the sidepath is added along Lake Rhodhiss Dr between the road and creek – a pedestrian bridge will be added over Hoyle Creek at Lovelady Road.

There is a bigger plan and projects are worked in phases.