Valdese Street Cleaning

FVR, Valdese Rotary Club, HMS and DHS Interact Clubs and Community Members cleaned Lovelady and Meytre on Saturday, March 2. 16 volunteers, 30 bags of trash, 4 tires, 1 road sign.

Connect VLP to South Mountains State Park?

The new I-40 Exit 111 Bridge will be pedestrian and bicycle friendly!

After the December 18, 2018 meeting organized by Representative Blackwell regarding regional trails and interstate bridges, partners in Burke County worked together to form a request to NC DOT that the Exit 111 Bridge (which is already being redesigned) include updates to make it safe for pedestrian and bike traffic. This was the first step in creating a connection from Valdese Lakeside Park to South Mountains State Park. Partners included: Town of Valdese, Town of Rutherford College, Foothills Conservancy of NC, Burke County, WPCOG, Friends of the Valdese Rec.

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First Group Walk on the Greenway

Our first Group Walk on the Greenway at Valdese Lakeside Park, brought out 63 people on a warm, Super Bowl Sunday. After many weeks of cold, rainy, snowy weather – it was perfect timing. These walks will continue on the First Sunday of the Month at 2pm.

$200K Raised for VLP Amenities

Thanks to community donors and our anonymous matching donor, the $200K needed in contributions has been reached! Together, we did it!

In preparing the strategy for building Valdese Lakeside Park with grant money and private donations, the first goal was to raise $200K to match the DEQ Greenway Grant – due on December 31, 2018.

Erin Schotte with the Community Development Division of WPCOG completed the application and submitted it on behalf of the town. Erin worked on the PARTF grant the town was awarded to help purchase the park property. She knows the project well and we are lucky to have her writing the park grants.

Don’t stop donating! We are still accepting donations – there are more grants to match! The more money we have, the more amenities we can build. See the plans.

Corn Hole Bean Bags Available

There are 2 concrete corn hole stations at the Valdese Family Splash Park. However, to play corn hole, you had to bring your own bean bags – until now.

Friends of the Valdese Rec members Spence and Jayne Borden have made 16 regulation size and weight bean bags for all to use. In addition to covering the cost of materials for the bags, they purchased a storage tote to hold the bags and it will be stored in the bathroom lobby.

Enjoy playing while you are there and please return bags to the tote when you are finished.

Wicked Weed Brewery – Thanks!!

The Town of Valdese asked Friends of the Valdese Rec to serve beer at two “Concerts at the Rock” events (November 3 and November 30). To support their efforts to raise money for Valdese Lakeside Park, Wicked Weed Brewing stepped in to help. Thanks to the partnership, FVR made $464 from beers sales and tips – which will be doubled in our current Dollar for Dollar Match. In addition, FVR members sold concessions at the concerts (soda, water, snacks) and made an additional $185.01 for the FVR general fund.