Summer Raffle

This summer we will be having a raffle for items you would use at the Valdese Lakeside Park. Tickets are $10. We have a Mountain Bike (Value $350) donated by Appalachian Mountain Sports, a…

Downtown Park – Make a Splash!

The Downtown Park – with a splash park, multi-purpose building, playground and parking has been in the works for a while. It was almost lost when bids originally submitted were increased when it…

Living Will Creation with Hospice

At 3 events this spring, working with Burke Hospice, we held free workshops for Seniors at the Rec to answer questions like – What are your choices if you get sick? How do…

Rock Painting for ColorBurke!

We hosted 18 painters who created about 50 rock masterpieces. We supplied the rocks, paint and brushes. Some rocks went home, but most are around Valdese – in the parks. This is a…

Conceptual Park Plan

This Valdese Lakeside Park Conceptual Plan was needed to submit with the town’s grant applications. This is NOT the final plan. Public input and council approval is needed for a final plan. But,…

Daylily Planting at McGalliard Falls

We received a huge donation of daylilies from NC Landscapes that were planted along the fence by the volleyball court at McGalliard Falls.  It is a 50 ft section that is 2-3 plants deep. The…

Pine Straw and Cleanup at McGalliard Falls

As part of NC Litter Sweep, we held a cleanup at McGalliard Falls. In addition to cleaning, we also spread pine straw around the Girl Scout planting area that was added as part…

Great Response for our Lawmakers

Packets were mailed to our local state lawmakers Representative Hugh Blackwell and Senator Warren Daniel. In addition to letting them know that we have 2 state grants pending for the purchase of the…

We Pledged Because…..

We have started a campaign called #PledgetothePark to gather testimonials from those who have pledged. Look for them on social media and our testimonials page.