Category Info

Fundraiser on Main St

Friends of the Valdese Rec sold beer for the Town of Valdese’s Independence Day Celebration. We also handled the 50/50 raffle for the event. By the end of the night, $2000 was raised for Valdese Lakeside Park and other projects.…

Trail Building/Maintenance Class

Doug Veazey (MST Trail Maintenance Volunteer for 10 years) led class on Wednesday morning, May 22 for FVR Board Members to learn about trail maintenance and trail building. The goal is for these students to teach others who may work…

FVR Fundraiser during Concert

The Valdese Family Fun Night Concert Series Kick-off took place in the Wells Fargo Parking Lot on Friday, May 24. Friends of the Valdese Rec members worked the Snack Shack and a membership table selling drinks, snacks, t-shirts and decals.…

Rotary Holds Meeting at VLP

On Tuesday, May 7, Rotary Club of Valdese held their regular Tuesday lunch meeting at the park and members got on update on the park’s progress from fellow Rotarian and FVR President Beth Heile. The club has pledged $7500 to the…

Greenway Grant Awarded to VLP

Mayor Black delivered incredible news for Valdese Lakeside Park at the May Council meeting. The Town received an Award Letter from NC DEQ Water Resources announcing the receipt of a $200K grant for 4000 linear feet of greenway, permeable parking…

Wild Flowers at Valdese Lakeside Park

Spring has revealed many wild flowers on the property. So many, that a game has been taking place on the FVR Facebook page to “ID the Plant of the Day.” It seems a new flower pops up every day and…

Group Walk on the Greenway (April)

April 7 was our third Group Walk. It was cloudy and the threat of rain may have deterred some. However, the 26 who made it enjoyed the greenway trail and some regulars returned on the red trail. The greenway is…

First Saturday Workday

This year, Friends of the Valdese Rec is holding monthly workdays at Valdese Lakeside Park. Our first one, on April 6, brought out 9 volunteers for 2 hours of service. They cut grass, did weed eating, gathered 12 bags of…

Kellex Second Workday

On Wednesday, April 3, Kellex Seating again showed their generous spirit and commitment to Valdese Lakeside Park with a second all day work session at the property. Thirteen employees spent the day at the park cutting and hauling down and…