Kellex Seating has been awarded the Governor’s Conservation Achievement Award – Business Conservationist of the Year (sponsored by the NCWF). Friends of the Valdese Rec nominated Kellex Seating for all they have done for Valdese Lakeside Park and the community. Continue reading “Kellex – Business Conservationist of the Year”
all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit supporting Valdese Parks & Recreation
Kellex Picnic Tables
On Wednesday morning, July 3, Kellex Seating delivered 4 8-foot picnic tables to Valdese Lakeside Park. The tables were hand crafted in their factory by Kellex family members. During a past workday at the park, employees had cut down several dangerous large dead trees to get the picnic area ready. Continue reading “Kellex Picnic Tables”
Fundraiser on Main St
Friends of the Valdese Rec sold beer for the Town of Valdese’s Independence Day Celebration. We also handled the 50/50 raffle for the event.
By the end of the night, $2000 was raised for Valdese Lakeside Park and other projects.
Thanks to our volunteers!
Beer sales: Toni Reece, Kim and Trey Simpkins plus Dale, Christa Miller, Inga Fricke Ramona Barus, Beth Heile.
Raffle workers: Don Brittain, Rachel Watts Olivia Turner, Maryann Diamond and Nancy Roberts.
Look for us at the Waldensian Festival held August 9-10. We will be selling beer again.
Trail Building/Maintenance Class
Doug Veazey (MST Trail Maintenance Volunteer for 10 years) led class on Wednesday morning, May 22 for FVR Board Members to learn about trail maintenance and trail building. The goal is for these students to teach others who may work on the Valdese Lakeside Park trails about sustainable trail methods. Along with Mark Rostan, Gavin Smith, Eric Heile and Beth Heile, Parks and Recreation Director Doug Knight was in attendance.
Doug Veazey volunteers twice a month to help maintain 70 miles of Mountains To Sea Trail in our area. He was a wealth of knowledge, extremely helpful and super friendly. We were fortunate that he took time to guide FVR!
We even completed a section of trail up to the future picnic area. And, hope to make a similar section on the other side of the hill.
FVR Fundraiser during Concert
The Valdese Family Fun Night Concert Series Kick-off took place in the Wells Fargo Parking Lot on Friday, May 24. Friends of the Valdese Rec members worked the Snack Shack and a membership table selling drinks, snacks, t-shirts and decals. The Town also held a 50/50 Raffle with the proceeds going to the Valdese Lakeside Park Project. At the end of the night, $500 was raised for the park.
The Levee Brewery and Pub donated two of their amazing beers for the evening – Trinity – a prize winning hazy pale ale and Daylight Robbery – a traditional English Ale.
Rotary Holds Meeting at VLP
On Tuesday, May 7, Rotary Club of Valdese held their regular Tuesday lunch meeting at the park and members got on update on the park’s progress from fellow Rotarian and FVR President Beth Heile. The club has pledged $7500 to the Valdese Lakeside Park project and members are looking at other ways to make an impact at the park.
Greenway Grant Awarded to VLP
Mayor Black delivered incredible news for Valdese Lakeside Park at the May Council meeting. The Town received an Award Letter from NC DEQ Water Resources announcing the receipt of a $200K grant for 4000 linear feet of greenway, permeable parking and storm water control. This is $200K to match our donors’ $200K to start a 10 ft wide crushed cinder greenway along Lake Rhodhiss and McGalliard Creek!!
Where we stand with donations and grants?
Wild Flowers at Valdese Lakeside Park
Spring has revealed many wild flowers on the property. So many, that a game has been taking place on the FVR Facebook page to “ID the Plant of the Day.” It seems a new flower pops up every day and the game continues. To see all the flowers (23 at this time) so far: