Stream Restoration

On May 6, Resource Institute visited McGalliard Falls Park and Valdese Lakeside Park. They are a stream/river restoration firm (spoke at a Catawba River Wildlife Coalition meeting) and want to help restore McGalliard Creek and the VLP kayak launch area. They are knowledgeable about various grant monies and will be able to match those with current grants and community donations. Getting them involved may slow down park construction – but it will make it better.

North State Environmental was part of the May 6 meeting and brought more experts to the sites on May 14. Jennings Environmental and Scenic Consulting Group came with fresh ideas for both projects. These groups will be working with our park planning firm Destination by Design.

The idea to restore McGalliard Creek banks came from a creek watershed plan by WPCOG. Story of the Study. From this article by John Wear, it states “In 2016 the WPCOG received a 205j grant from US EPA to complete a Watershed Plan for McGalliard Creek.  The WPCOG partnered with the Town of Valdese to complete the plan. The goal of the McGalliard Creek Watershed Plan was to identify sources of impairment through data and stakeholder meetings, outline strategies to aid in watershed restoration, identify restoration activities and best management practices that best address the issues, and compile a project atlas of identifiable properties that best meet the goals of the project.” Participants in the 2017 meetings included: Erin Schotte and John Wear with WPCOG; Bryan Duckworth, Joe McNeely and Doug Knight with Town of Valdese; Roy Sweezy, Gary Delp, Beth Heile – citizens

The idea to restore the Valdese Lakeside Park kayak launch area came from Duke Energy Lake Services visiting the site and noticing that something needed to be done to stabilize the area and the plans should be submitted with the permit application. Thanks to Representative Hugh Blackwell for organizing that meeting.