Raising Money to Raise the Bridge

Help connect Valdese Lakeside Park to McGalliard Falls Park. A 128-foot bridge across McGalliard Creek is needed to complete the 2-mile greenway between the parks. Help Bridge the Gap!! Donate Today Amenities for Phase 1 at Valdese Lakeside Park are moving forward thanks to state grants and local donations. An NC DEQ grant for $200,000 will start the 10-foot-wide crushed cinder greenway and a $285,000 NC PARTF Grant is for restrooms, picnic area, dog park, wildlife viewing platform, kayak launch, parking and entry road.

If you walk 1.3 miles down the Valdese Lakeside Park greenway, you will come to the location of the future bridge. After crossing the creek, it is 0.7 miles along the creek to the McGalliard Falls Picnic Shelter.

(If we are not able to raise enough money for the bridge, donations will go to amenities).