Valdese becoming a Trail Town!

Friends of the Valdese Rec President Beth Heile presented to the Valdese Planning Board on Monday, November 21 to share information about the State and Regional Trails coming through Valdese, the importance of embracing the trails and branding Valdese as a Trail Town. 

The Wilderness Gateway State Trail will come over Mineral Springs Mountain to Valdese Lakeside Park and Main Street Valdese. The River Trail of Burke County will run along the Valdese Greenway.

With almost 400 acres of park land in town, it is time to evaluate what amenities should be located at which parks. In addition, look at what businesses are needed to facilitate trail users – an outfitter renting bikes and kayaks, a coffee shop or other gathering spot, etc.

To assist in the effort, Parks and Recreation Director David Andersen has applied for a CORE (Creating Outdoor Recreation Economies) grant. Andersen and Heile have been through a first round interview for the grant. Also, Heile is a member of the Burke County Outdoor Task Force participating in the Building Outdoor Communities program.

To see the presentation slides, go to State Trails in Valdese

One slide from the presentation–