Speaker Moore Helps VLP

Thanks to NC State House Speaker Moore, the Town of Valdese received $51K in funding from NCDOT for the Valdese Lakeside Park project. The park will include an ADA compliant greenway along Lake Rhodhiss and McGalliard Creek for which NC DOT reviewed the plans and supports. Last year, Representative Blackwell contacted Speaker Moore to inform him that Friends of the Valdese Rec, the all-volunteer organization that has been fundraising for the park, had hit a roadblock, and needed help. Over the past 4 years, the non-profit has rallied the community to support this $2.3M project with $825,000 from private donations and $1.5M from state grants.

“Our community has given their time, talents and resources to make this park happen. I appreciate Speaker Moore and Representative Blackwell recognizing these efforts and providing the extra boost we needed,” said Beth Heile, President and Founder of Friends of the Valdese Rec.

Heile continued, “We also appreciate our legislators’ awareness for continued dedicated funding for the NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund and the NC Land and Water Fund. Awards were made to the Valdese Lakeside Park project from both granting agencies. Now, people from Charlotte to Asheville and beyond are enjoying this 300-acre forested property”

Heile was able to thank Speaker Moore in person when he was in the area recently touring the NCSSM-Morganton campus. She is pictured here during a December 2019 meeting with Speaker Moore and Rep Blackwell.