Scorer’s Tables for Ball Field

For his Eagle Scout Project, Luke Blalock with Boy Scout Troop 224 built 2 Scorer’s Tables at Fletcher Ball Park in Valdese.

The project filled a huge need, as there were no scoring tables for the 2 fields. The Athletic Supervisor at the Valdese Recreation Department said about 2000 people come through Fletcher Ball Field during the spring softball/baseball season. There are 8-9 teams of Valdese kids (ages 7-13, boys and girls) that play 4-5 home games. That is 12 per team, with 3-4 family members coming out for each kid on the Valdese team plus visiting team and their supporters. There is also a one week machine pitch tournament during the season that brings in 12 teams from the county (kids 5-8 years old).

The people at the scoring table control the electric score board, keep the record books and answer questions the umpire may have. Thanks to Luke, scoring will run more smoothly at games.

Funding for this project was made possible with donations from Friends of the Valdese Rec, BB&T in Burke and Catawba County, and Lowes Hardware.