Fundraiser at the Festival

FVR sold beer as a fundraiser during the Waldensian Festival. Volunteers were at the Town’s Beer Garden in the Wells Fargo Parking Lot Friday (5-11 pm) and Saturday (Noon-11 pm). They sold $3 – Bud Light, Catawba Brewing White Zombie, Olde Hickory Brewery Ruby Lager.


A table was also set up with membership materials, Valdese Lakeside Park information, programs going on at the Rec, t-shirts and the like.

Proceeds from the sales went to the the FVR General Fund. Examples of what we use our money for…
Dogwood Trees at Splash Park
Scorers’ Tables Materials at Fletcher Field
Entrance Signs & Trail Markers at VLP
Plantings at Rec Building
Host Events – Trails Day, Memory Cafe, Living Will and Healthcare Power of Attorney

After paying for the beer, license and background check – $490.24 will go into the general fund. $40 from tips/donations will go to park amenities.

Thanks to all our volunteers to faced rain, heat or both.












This year, the Beer Garden was not be a fenced area – but a larger square. See the cup for details. The distributor was Barringer.