Funding VLP Amenities

Phase 1 of Valdese Lakeside Park will be built leveraging private donations to win grants applied for by the town.

Goal: $200K donations from community
Deadline: December 31, 2018
Amount after donations and grants:
$800K ($400K greenway + $400K amenities) to start building the park in early 2020 (if grants awarded)

Step 1 DEQ Grant: Use the community’s $200K as matching money for a $200K greenway along water grant from the state – DEQ (North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality). If awarded, an almost 2 mile, 10ft wide crushed fine greenway along the lake and creek would be built at a cost of $400K.
Application due Dec 31, 2018.

$200K donations for match
$200K NC DEQ greenway grant
$400K approx. 2-mile greenway (10 ft wide)

Step 2 PARTF Grant: Take above $400K (if awarded) and use it as matching money for a $400K NC PARTF Grant. This grant is for $400K in amenities (possible options: parking, restroom, shelter, playground, dog park, overlook, etc)
Application due May 1, 2019.

$400K for amenities (would discuss with PARTF grant officials which amenities would score better in grant application process).

 Other Possibilities

North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission – Kayak and Fishing
The town is on the list with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to have them install an ADA kayak/canoe launch and fishing pier (fully funded). We will know in July 2019 if awarded.

RTP Grant – Catawba River BluewayTrail – Funded – kayak launch signage
This project is currently in the design phase.

The Community Foundation of Burke County Grant ($10K)
Application due July and is awarded Oct/Nov. Apply in 2019 to pay half on an amenity that is the dog park ($9K) in 2019 – if that lines up with PARTF request.

Bridge Across McGalliard Creek – $250K Needed from Donations
The town is looking at the RTP grant to help fund the 200-foot bridge across McGalliard Creek to complete the trail from McGalliard Falls Park to Valdese Lakeside Park. Cost would be around $250K and the grant is for $100K.

 Where funding stands right now

From the $143,080, FVR helped raise for park amenities in 2017, we have spent $20,375 on a park plan. The remaining will count toward our $200K. That amount is currently $140K.

Valdese Lakeside Park Project Account Balances (from donations)

 FVR VLP Account

 Town VLP Account

 Pledges Coming In

 $51,422 – $20,375
=$31,047 (on hand)
$65,000 (on hand) $2,500 Fall 2018
$2,500 July 2019
11,666 Early 2019
$11,666 in 2020 and 2021