Disc Golf Designer Visits

John and Dee Houck of Houck Designs came from Texas to Valdese for a two day visit. They started Thursday morning at Old World Baking Company meeting with FVR President Beth Heile and Destination by Design principal Eric Woolridge. They learned a little about how the park project came to be, about Valdese and about where the disc golf course would fit at Valdese Lakeside Park.

From there, Eric and John spent a rainy day on the property exploring the potential. John is the designer of the #1,#2, #7 & #17 ranked disc golf courses in the world. It will be exciting to hear what he thinks can be done at the Valdese site.

Later that evening, Dee and John joined local disc golfers and FVR members at 100 Main for drinks.  Plenty of discussion on disc golf in general, professional courses and Valdese.

On Friday morning, a presentation was made to Town of Valdese employees, councilmen, FVR members and disc golfers. Dee and John covered disc golf – the sport and economic impact it has on a community and what they saw for the Valdese course. They suggested 2 courses on the property, but we several courses in Burke County, we may just go with one course.